If any of you have followed me on Instagram, you have seen all of my excited posts the last few weeks about gardening.
It all started when I started my healthy lifestyle and learned to really love vegetables. My mom has always been a big gardener but I have never had any interest until this year. So I told her I wanted to learn how to garden and I wanted to go all out. And we did just that. It has been so fun to learn from my mom and have something we can do together. And now I can call myself a gardener! It is a good feeling
The whole process of gardening has also been a spiritual thing which I was surprised about. I can blog about that another time but all over the bible there are refrences to seeds, weeds, soil, growth, etc! So as I spend time taking care of it, I am constantly thinking about it in relation to God and it is a beautiful thing. I am a deep thinking like that.
So I wanted to share a few pictures this month of our progress! There is greenery everywhere! We have been eating lots of spinach, lettuce, and kaleIt is exciting to see what will be in season next! I am excited for the cucumbers the most I think!
I wanted to plant a lot of vegetables so we could give some to our friends and family! So if you live near me, hit me up for some fresh produce grown with love
Here is what we planted for the year:
3 types of lettuce
Summer Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Tons of Onions
Rainbow Swiss Chard
Brussel Sprouts
Mustard Greens
Purple Kale
And probably more that I forgot. Just typing all of that gets me excited!
So here are a few pictures of our June garden!