Ok so here is the deal. I don’t blog enough or as much as I want to! Not only is this a blog about photography but also about my life. So I am starting a new series call Click it or Kick it! Cheesy but I like itClick it are the good things in my life that I want to click it( or take a snapshot of ) and for the bad things I just want to kick them out! Get it? I know people may not really care but I do know at least my Grandma reads this and will enjoy it. Hopefully you will to!
this week’s click it moments go to:
Crave- My college group at church that I help lead. God is doing awesome things in this ministry and it is so exciting to see!
My job– every day is a click it momentmy days are filled with craziness, smiles and lots of love
The Bachelor– yes I love this show and I am totally rooting for Emily!!
Noah– can I just say I have the coolest younger brother?
College Friends– I love love love when my friends who go away to school and come back for the weekend
And things I want to kick:
Fudge: we had to put my poor goat down this weekI’ve had him like 11 years and it was so sad! now we are left with one little one
( fudge is his name)
Rain: This week me +rain + driving = a disaster!! Gosh I don’t know if it is my eyes of what but the rain has stressed me out multiple times while driving.
Ministry issues– not gonna say too much on this but I’m struggling w/ how to be a smallgroup leader to 8th graders!
Hair-my hair is driving me nuts and I look like a mess!
The end