The road to being a photographer is not an easy one. Especially if your name is Sabrina and full of self doubt. But then God blesses you with a friend named Tegan. This is a little shout out to my biggest supporter and encourager. Seriously, I would fall apart if it was for her. On every photoshoot, picture, or post I make I always get a text, facebook post, or phonecall to talk about it and most of the time it is praise. Now you might be thinking why would you want a friend that is positive all the time. Well I have plenty of people who give it straight to me about my photography and progress. But there are so many days when I want to quit or when I am so down on myself. But having someone who believes in you, encourages you, and makes you feel like the best photog in the world? That is priceless!That is why everyone needs a Tegan in their life. A Godly woman who pushes you and doesn’t let you give up just because you are having a bad day. Everybody needs a cheerleader to say ignore the haters! Her comments and encouragement mean the world to me. and she will probably comment on this so THANK YOU TEGAN AND I LOVE YOU!
Tegan - I am in tears!
Thank you for the lift up, I needed it this morning. You are a huge blessing girly! Keep doing what you do, and I’ll be there for you!
Katie - Agreed
I would be no one without her!